
How to Safely Offer Corn for Baby Led Weaning

Who’s ready for some fresh corn on the cob with melting butter on a summer day?! Babies and toddlers can enjoy corn on the cob as well. In this post we’ll cover the best way to serve corn to your baby, the nutritional benefits, if corn is a choking hazard, corn recipes and more!

When can babies eat corn?

With modifications, corn can be served as soon as your baby is ready for solid foods, often around 6 months of age. Read on to learn how to safely serve corn to babies.

How to serve corn to babies

Whole corn kernels off the cob are small, firm, and slippery, all of which pose a potential choking risk to babies under 1 year of age. Corn is a great finger food that can be safely served to babies as soon as they are ready to start solid foods, you just have to know how!

How to serve corn to babies 6-9 months of age

cut corn

If you have chosen to do baby-led weaning to start solids, you can serve corn from the beginning. If you are serving purees to your baby, you can also puree corn. Check out the corn puree recipe at the bottom of the post.

To safely serve corn to babies 6-9 months follow these recommendations:

  • Cut a corn cob into 2 inch thick rounds so your baby can hold onto each piece with one hand. If you are not comfortable serving corn kernels on the corn, you may cut the kernels off the cob and serve only the cob. Although your baby won’t get much nutrients, they will still get lots of oral-motor practice and strengthen jaw muscles.
  • If you’d like to puree corn for your baby, you can create your own corn baby food by blending cooked corn in a blender or food processor. Scroll down for a corn puree recipe. Serve the corn puree to your baby on a preloaded spoon or allow them to self-feed with their hands

How to serve corn to babies 9-12 months of age

To safely serve corn to babies 9-12 months of age follow these recommendations:

  • Continue to serve corn by cutting a corn cob into 2-inch thick rounds
  • You can serve a whole corn cob but your baby may old it vertically rather than horizontally

How to serve corn to babies 12+ months

To safely serve corn to babies 12+ months of age follow these recommendations:

  • You may serve loose, whole corn kernels to older babies (12+ months)
  • Start with a few at a time so your baby doesn’t shovel multiple kernels in their mouth at once
  • Feel free to serve corn on the cob at this age too. It is great for strengthening the jaw.
  • You can serve canned or fresh baby corn at this age by cutting each piece lengthwise.

Serving loose corn kernels to older babies with the pincer grip is a great way to practice fine motor skills.

Is corn healthy for babies?

Yes! Corn is full of beneficial nutrients for babies. Sweet corn is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, folate, vitamin C, B vitamins, phosphorus, and zinc all of which are essential nutrients for baby’s growth.

What variety of corn can I serve to babies?


Sweet corn is the typical variety of corn that is grown for humans to eat and is available canned, frozen, and fresh on the cob. 

Is frozen or canned corn okay to serve to babies?

Yes, if you are unable to find or purchase fresh corn, frozen or canned are good alternatives. When looking for canned corn, choose a “no salt added” or “low sodium” option. It’s also a good idea to choose cans that are “BPA-free”. Frequent exposure to BPA (bisphenol A) has been shown to affect brain development.

Is corn a common allergen?

No, corn is not one of the top 9 allergens. A corn allergy is not common, but there have been reports of them.

Just like any new food, start with a small amount first, monitor for an allergic reaction, and gradually increase the quantity during future meals. Since corn is not a top food allergy, there is no need to offer corn separately from top allergens. 

For more guidance on how to introduce the top allergens, check out my 12 week meal plan for starting solids and check out how to reduce food allergies in babies when starting solids. This meal plan safely introduces each top allergen early and offers meal ideas to keep top allergens in your baby’s diet often in accordance with new allergen guidance

Is corn a choking hazard?

Yes, whole, loose corn kernels pose a potential choking hazard to babies under 12 months of age. Serving corn on the cob is a better option to introduce corn as a new food to babies. 

Serving corn on the cob reduces the choking risk because babies can gnaw and mash the kernels. This changes the round shape of the kernel and reduces slipperiness. 

Serving corn cobs rather than whole kernels also prevents babies from stuffing too many loose kernels into their mouth at a time. Serving all meals in a safe eating environment greatly reduces choking risk in babies and children. 

Can corn help babies poop?

Cooked corn

Yes! Corn is a great source of fiber which increases stool bulk and helps regulate digestive systems. Corn also has plant fibers that promote healthy gut bacteria. 

Have you seen undigested pieces of corn in your baby’s poop? Don’t worry, this is normal. The outer shell of the corn kernel contains cellulose, an insoluble fiber, which is difficult to digest. Your baby is still getting lots of valuable nutrition from the inner contents of the corn kernel!

Corn Recipes for Babies

Corn Puree

Corn Puree Recipe for Babies

This corn puree is perfect for babies starting solids and is super simple to make!

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • 3 Cobs of Sweetcorn


  1. Add water to a large pot, just enough so it doesn't rise above the steamer basket. Place the corn cobs into the steamer basket and place in the pot with water.
  2. Cover the pot and heat on medium-high heat. Once the steam is rising, cook the corn until the kernels are tender, about 6-10 minutes.
  3. Cut the kernels off the corn cob and transfer to the blender or food processor. 
  4. Blend corn until smooth. If you'd like a thin consistency add warm water, formula or breastmilk as needed.



  • Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 24 hours.
  • Freeze the puree in ice cube trays and transfer to a freezer bag or container once fully frozen.

Corn on the Cob

Corn on the Cob Recipe for Babies

Easily make corn on the cob for your baby and the rest of the family!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes


  • Husked corn cobs


  1. Fill a large pot 3/4 full with water and bring to a boil.  
  2. Place corn cobs in the boiling water, cover the pot, turn off the heat, and let corn cobs cook in the hot water until tender (about 10 minutes).


Serving to babies under 12 months:

  • Cut corn cobs into 2 inch-thick rounds before serving to your baby to reduce choking risk.

Seasoning suggestion for babies:

  • Season with any combination of unsalted butter, lime, pepper, or other herbs and spices.

Best Tips for Safely Serving Corn to Your Baby

We covered a lot in this post! Here are the highlights:

  • Serve corn to babies under 1 year of age by cutting a corn cob into 2 inch thick rounds
  • Once your baby is over 1 year you may serve tender, loose corn kernels
  • Corn is a nutritious, energy dense food for your baby and makes a great side to meals
  • Corn is not a top allergen
  • Corn is a choking hazard. Use the age-based recommendations when serving corn to babies.
  • Corn a great source of fiber and can help babies poop regularly!

Looking for more recommended baby-led weaning supplies? I have it all laid out for you in this baby-led weaning supply guide. Follow our baby-led weaning journey on instagram @mydietitian.friend!

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