Hemp hearts in a spoon in a bowl on a wood counter

10 Reasons to Feed Your Babies and Kids Hemp Seeds

Have you just discovered hemp seeds and are wondering how you can serve them to your baby? Or maybe you’ve never heard of them!

I was one of those people who had never heard of hemp seeds and hemp hearts prior to starting solids with my baby. Hemp hearts are super nutritious, easily chewable, and have a nutty flavor. 

Here we’ll look into the nutrition of hemp seeds, how to serve hemp to babies by age, 10 reasons to serve your baby hemp seeds, and more!

Origins of hemp seeds

hemp seeds

Hemp has been farmed for thousands of years for food but also for fiber to make clothing, paper, and rope. The outer hull is often removed to reveal the soft hemp hearts inside.

Hemp seeds and hemp seed oil are full of essential nutrients that are perfect for growing babies!

Hemp seeds vs. hemp hearts vs. hemp plant

Hemp seeds are the seeds of the hemp plant. The hemp plant is a botanical class of cannabis sativa cultivars. Although hemp is associated with the cannabis plant (marijuana), hemp seeds will not get you or your baby high. 

Whole hemp seeds themselves have little to no amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive substance found in marijuana. Hemp seeds, hemp hearts, hemp oil, hemp seed protein powder are safe to consume regularly. 

Hemp hearts are hulled hemp seeds, or the “heart” of the hemp seeds. Hemp hearts are soft and easily digested, perfect for babies!

When can babies have hemp seeds and hemp milk?

Hemp hearts (hulled hemp seeds) and hemp seed oil can be given to your baby as soon as they’re ready for solid food (around 6 months of age). Hemp milk (and cow’s milk and alternative milk) can be given as a drink after your baby is 1 year old to avoid replacing valuable nutrition from breast milk or formula. 

Check out this post on how to choose the best milk for toddlers once your baby turns 1 year old.

Hemp seed nutrition

Hemp seeds boost a huge nutritional value, making them a great addition to your baby’s diet. They are a complete protein (which is rare for plants) which means they contain all 9 essential amino acids that the body must get from food. 

Along with being a great source of protein, hemp seeds are a good source of healthy fats, fiber, selenium, vitamin A and B6, zinc, and more. 

10 reasons to feed your baby and kids hemp seeds

smoothie bowl topped with banana, coconut, gogi berries, and hemp seeds

Hemp seeds are packed with nutrition!

  1. They easily add a ton of nutrition to almost any food!
  2. Hemp seeds are a great source of omegas and have an optimal omega-3 to omega-6 ratio (3:1). They are also high in gamma linolenic acid which is a hormone that reduces inflammation. The fat hemp seeds offer is vital for babies’ brain development.
  3. They’re are a super good source of protein. Children aged 1-3 years need about 13 grams of protein each day. There is about 3.2 grams of protein per tablespoon, or 9.5 grams of protein in 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds! Hemp seeds are also a complete protein! This means it has all the essential amino acids that our body must get from food.
  4. Hemp seeds contain high amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. One tablespoon of hemp seeds provides over 70% of a toddler’s magnesium needs. Magnesium is known to have a soothing and relaxing effect on the nervous system and may improve sleep. May as well add in some hemp seeds to help those kiddos relax and sleep!
  5. Hemp seeds are a good source of iron which is an important nutrient to prioritize for babies and kids. One tablespoon meets 15% of toddlers’ daily iron needs. Remember to pair plant sources of iron with a source of vitamin C (fruits or vegetables) for maximum iron absorption.
  6. One tablespoon of hemp seeds meets about 20% of babies’ daily zinc needs. Zinc supports a healthy immune system!
  7. Eating hemp seeds has been shown to have many cardiovascular benefits due to their high antioxidant and omega-3 levels. 
  8. Hemp seeds are full of fiber and help relieve constipation! There is 1 gram of fiber per 1 tablespoon of hemp seeds. It is recommended that kids ages 1-3 get 19 grams of fiber per day.

Hemp seeds can be used in almost any recipe!

  1. There are so many different ways to use hemp seeds in baked goods recipes. Add them to breads, muffins, pancakes, and more. Use hemp seeds as a topping for pancakes or toast.
  2. Hemp seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and go well with most smoothies and purees. Sprinkle hemp seeds on top of purees (ie. yogurt and applesauce) for your baby. Blend them into smoothies or add them to a savory sauce. The options are really endless!

Are hemp seeds a common choking hazard for babies?

No. Hemp seeds, hemp hearts, hemp seed oil, hemp seed milk, or hemp protein powders are not a common choking risk for babies. 

Always keep a close watch on your baby during meals and familiarize yourself with common choking hazards for babies. Check out the top foods to avoid giving your baby during your baby’s first year of solids.

Are hemp seeds a common allergen?

No, an allergic reaction to hemp is not common. Hemp is not one of the top 9 allergens.

As always when introducing a new food, start by offering a small amount (1/4 teaspoon) for the first couple servings. If your baby does not have any adverse reactions, gradually increase the quantity over future servings.

How to serve hemp seeds for babies doing baby-led weaning?

These suggestions are for babies doing a baby-led weaning method of starting solids rather than traditional spoon feeding. However, hemp hearts can be easily blended or sprinkled onto purees as well!

Remember each baby is on their own starting solids guideline and these suggestions are based on the general progression of feeding skills among babies. If you have concerns or questions be sure to talk to your baby’s healthcare provider.

6-18 months

avocado rolled in hemp hearts
Avocado rolled in hemp hearts.

Rolling slippery food like avocado, mango, or pineapple in hemp hearts or hemp powder is a great way to add more grip for babies and add tons of nutrition! Mix hemp seed oil into mashed potatoes and squash, warm cereals or sauces. Sprinkle hemp hearts on top of purees like yogurt or applesauce. 

Use hemp hearts and hemp seed oil when cooking. Mix hemp seeds into baked goods like muffins, breads, overnight oats, and hot cereal. 

18-24 months

Add hemp seeds or hemp protein powder to fruit and yogurt smoothies. Continue to mix hemp seeds and hemp protein powder into other purees. Continue to cook with hemp seeds and hemp oil and sprinkle hemp seeds onto other foods.

Add hemp seeds and/or hemp protein powder to an energy ball recipe consisting of nut butters (ie. peanut butter, almond butter) and oats. 

Where to buy hemp seeds

You can buy hemp seeds at most grocery stores in the baking aisle. You can also buy hemp seed products online at Amazon. 

How to store hemp seeds

Once opened, the best way to store hemp hearts and hemp oil is in the refrigerator. These hemp products can spoil in warm temperatures.

Best tips for hemp seeds for babies and toddlers

  • Hemp seeds are an excellent choice to add to any food for babies and toddlers
  • Hemp seeds are packed with nutrition to help babies grow healthy and strong
  • You can serve hemp seeds when your baby begins solid foods (around 6 months of age)
  • Add hemp seeds to almost any meal including smoothies, baked goods and sauces, and sprinkle on top of purees and toast
  • Hemp seeds do not contain THC, or the compound responsible for feelings of being “high” like marijuana, and are safe for babies
  • Hemp seeds are not a common allergen or choking risk

Looking for more recommended baby-led weaning supplies? I have it all laid out for you in thisĀ baby-led weaning supply guide. Follow our baby-led weaning journey on instagramĀ @mydietitian.friend!

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